3D Publishing server
Simple and intuitive environment for data publishing.
Marushka Server
- Data publishing is provided by proven Marushka® map server. It allows to configure complex GIS, including displaying 3D clouds and 3D objects.
- Localization and information inquiries are a matter of course. Defined layers can be exported from the web environment to common CAD formats (DGN, DXF), GIS formats (KML, GPX, GML) and thus to make the data available to the users community for information purposes, design needs, etc.
Web application
- It is a named list of formal layers for publishing purposes of HTML client and other supported services (WMS, WFS, TILE). The end user has just these lists - publication layers.
- Each Publication Layer can contain for example a grouping of formal layers displayed at different scales. The wavy notation is used for tree representation of individual layers in the publication layers.
Free section
Selection of any section is a specific query in the map composition. The width of the section can be selected in the settings dialog. In the publishing window it is possible to measure distances, print a certain section, etc.
- The Marushka Design as a visual administration tool to create a configuration project for the Marushka® server. Marushka Design offers a convenient and intuitive environment for configuring all of these project items, as well as a full set of features for transformation, editing, or creating geographic data.
- Project is a list of data sources (complete map composition structure), definition of spatial data requirements (formal layers), project target projection settings, cell libraries, queries, user style libraries and drawing prescriptions, from which map compositions are generated for various scales. It is also possible to set PassedParams parameters within the project.
Data visualization in 3D space
- The 3D Point Cloud query definition in a map composition represents the combination of a point cloud and a vector drawing in a 3D publication window.
- With this setting you can switch on and off the individual data which you want to display in 3D window. There is also a selection of point cloud upload mode. With this unique feature, the point clouds can be loaded very quickly into a 3D window.