Data stores

The data store is an abstract storage space that provides access to the geographical data in vector or raster form. These data stores also offer various services and features above geographical data level, or above descriptive data level.  Due to the component technology of GSFrameWork, it is not listing of data stores pre-defined and can be expanded according to actual demand of user.

Vector File Formats

  • Marushka® technology natively works with vector format WKB, Well Known Binary according to the standard WKB OGC format. This format is also used for implementation of spatial database storage, compatible with previous products of GEOVAP Company (GeoStore®) or for export of any data store called "file cash".
  • Above WKB files level, it is possible to create a multi/level (in the vast majority of double-level) spatial index tree structure, represented by the R-Tree. This index makes spatial access considerably more effective according to the individual geometric elements.  The last level indexes content of WKB file, other levels indexes restrictive levels of individual WKB files.
  • Other supported vector formats: Open GIS Consortium GML format, Intergraph/Bentley DGN format version 7 a 8, ESRI Shape File format SHP, Topographic GPX.


Web Services

  • The core of the system is also capable of reading web services based on OGC specifications, specifically WMS a WFS.
  • Further services based on GeoStore® technology and remote access.


Database Data Stores

  • The biggest advantage of GSFramework is a possibility to work with database data stores. Currently supported databases are commercial databases ORACLE or Microsoft SQL Server and open source database MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.  The built-in storage spaces are supported, such as ORACLE Spatial®, SQL Server Spatial Extension and custom implementation of storage space GeoStore®, based on OGC specifications and implemented by PL/SQL.
  • In the case, if it is not possible to access the database by direct client, it is possible to use remote access, which is based on web services technology of platform .NET. This model does not require installation of any database client, connector etc. Transportation of geometry is compressed and in some cases is rather more efficient than direct client access.


Raster File Formats

  • To read geographically referenced raster data stores, GSFrameWork technology uses external native library This library contains components for reading formats of company Erdas and their ECW and JPEG 2000 formats.
  • Majority of raster layers consists of multiple files that are spatially arranged in tiles. Such a layer can also be connected and also can create a spatial index, which indexes restrictive rectangles of raster files.
  • Other supported raster formats: Tiff and GeoTiff with georeference in the external wordfile and in the case of GeoTiff georeference is integrated. ECW and JPEG 2000, PNG, JPG, BMP and others.