- In this example we will demonstrate a few types of map server authorization.
- This example was created in version, so it won't be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
- Note: Username and Password can be also called directly on URL. This can be done so that you attach behind URL of the given project: &Username=guest&Password=guest
- Authorization example: To test authorization enter a pair of credentials into login dialogue Login - Heslo:
1) geovap - test, 2) mike - test
Dynamic Layers and Queries - enabling
- In this example we will demonstrate how to load layers and queries according to the currently logged on user in Marushka Design.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
- Login into project: To test, login with one of following users Login - Password: 1) geovap - test, 2) mike - test
Dynamic Layers and Queries - disabling
- In this example we will demonstrate how to load layers and queries according to the currently logged on user in Marushka Design.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
- Login into project: To test, login with one of following users Login - Password: 1) geovap - test, 2) mike - test
Query type PostProcessExpression
- In this example we will demonstrate how define query PostProcessExpression type in Marushka Design.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
External Call
- In this example we will demonstrate call of the map client from external website or from an external application.
- This example was created in version, so it won't be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
External Info Queries
- In this example we will demonstrate creation of External information query in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
Manipulation queries
- The aim of this example is to show manipulation queries in Marushka Design.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
Modify Selection With Params
- In this example we will demonstrate, how to Modify selection with parameters in Marushka Design.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
Spatial incidence of parcels
- In this example we will demonstrate, how to work with query type Spatial Incidence of Parcels in Marushka.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
Data Acquisition by Etalon
- In this example we will demonstrate creation of External information query in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
- In this example we will demonstrate work with themes in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
- In this example we will demonstrate Print options in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
Saving Measured Values to DB
- In this example we will demonstrate work with themes in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
WMS Client
- In this example we will demonstrate WMS connection possibilities and some tricks in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.
WMS server
- In this example we will demonstrate how to publish data via WMS server in MarushkaDesign.
- This example was created in version, so it does not have to be compatible with older versions.
- This document contains detailed instructions on how to make it, complete Test Project and source SHP files or Sqlite database.