More about mobile mapping

Mobile mapping has many advantages in comparison to static scanners or standard total stations. Instead of measuring buildings or objects one by one, this method allows for the scanning of whole towns, hundreds or even thousands of kilometres of highways and their surroundings in a fraction of time.

Mobile Mapping Systems 


Our vehicles equipped with sensors and cameras are able to travel through the given area at a speed from 80 to 120 kmph – The speed directly effects point cloud density. As it moves along the road, the sensors scan all objects within their range. Then, the collected data are processed and serve as a base for creating the extraordinarily precise and complex 3D maps. The fact that the system does not need daylight to collect the data is an advantage that allows night scanning when the traffic is low.


Examples of outputs

Laser scanning

Pardubice Train Station

Pardubice Airport

Crash barrier visualisation

Where to use Mobile Mapping?

  • creation of map materials/base (materials for project work as built survey of transport construction, etc.),
  • quality assurance, 
  • road passports, 
  • monitoring (during construction works, road conditions and surroundings including vegetation, etc.), 
  • visualization (viewpoints at intersections, visibility of traffic signs, etc.), 
  • proprietary analyses.


Detailed map


Accurate and detailed as-built survey of transport infrastructure buildings and their surroundings (bridge cross section)


Inspection of performed work (comparison with project documentation)


Detailed digital terrain model


Diagnostics of real road condition (track rundown detection)


As-built survey